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Welcome to our Group website...

Plans for the year ahead are well underway! As well as our monthly meetings and workshops, see our programme page, there will be activities and projects to take part in individually and in small groups, with NLST members and within the wider community.

We are stitch and textile enthusiasts who come together to learn and share our passion. We look to the future combining both traditional and contemporary techniques.

Our programme offers talks, workshops and informal groups covering a diverse range of subjects reflecting the interests of our members - visit the galleries page to see what we do!

You do not have to be an expert to join - beginners are very welcome. You do not have to be a member to attend a meeting so do come and visit.

What we do

We have a varied programme of activities, which include:

  • Talks and demonstrations
  • Workshops with in-house and visiting tutors
  • Exhibitions
  • Group projects

Our meetings give you the opportunity to:

  • Enjoy an interesting talk on an aspect of embroidery, stitch or textiles. This will probably be illustrated by a presentation and practical examples of work. Don't expect all the meetings to be the same, each presenter is an expert in their subject and will have their own way presenting their material.
  • Buy materials from sales table, these have often been donated so we're able to sell them at a very reasonable charge.
  • Borrow library books from a wide selection on our library trolley.
  • Talk with like-minded people over a coffee or tea.

Our group projects give us the chance to get to know each other better whilst acquiring new skills or developing existing ones.

Join us

If you like the sound of what we do, why not join us?

You'd be very welcome, and can attend three meetings, without any obligation to join.

Take a look at our current programme of meetings here.

Then just come along or, if you prefer, email Chris at chair@nlstitchandtextiles.co.uk.

To become a member, we ask for an annual payment of £40, and £3 for each meeting attended. To join us, please contact Lilian at membership@nlstitchandtextiles.co.uk.

Where we meet

Monthly meetings are usually held on the 2nd Saturday of the month, from 2:30 to 4:30pm, at:

Orchard Room
Grange Park Methodist Church
Park Drive, Grange Park, N21 2EU

Our workshops are held at Chace Community School, on Saturdays from 9:30am to 3:30pm. Details of forthcoming workshops are on the programme. For these, booking in advance is essential. To do this please contact Kathryn. Note that if space is available, non members can attend!

Chace Community School, 
Churchbury Lane, Enfield, EN1 3HQ

Our Newsfeed

As well as the Facebook page above, we also have an Instagram page, which you can access by clicking this link. The Facebook page will give you our latest news, whereas you'll find more eclectic information on Instagram. So it's worth your bookmarking and checking out both pages, regularly.

Group Library

We maintain an extensive library of stitch and embroidery related items. The library catalogue is available at:

North London Stitch and Textiles Library

Books may be borrowed, and returned, at group meetings for a small fee.